full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Vikram Sharma: How quantum physics can make encryption stronger

Unscramble the Blue Letters

What makes encryption so ipamnortt is that if someone were to capture the briefcase and cut it open without the encryption key and the encryption algorithm, they wouldn't be able to read the documents. They would look like nothing more than a bunch of random numbers. Most security systems rely on a sreuce method for key exchange to communicate the eporntycin key to the right pclae. However, rapid increases in computational power are putting at risk a number of the key exgnhace methods we have today.

Open Cloze

What makes encryption so _________ is that if someone were to capture the briefcase and cut it open without the encryption key and the encryption algorithm, they wouldn't be able to read the documents. They would look like nothing more than a bunch of random numbers. Most security systems rely on a ______ method for key exchange to communicate the __________ key to the right _____. However, rapid increases in computational power are putting at risk a number of the key ________ methods we have today.


  1. exchange
  2. important
  3. place
  4. secure
  5. encryption

Original Text

What makes encryption so important is that if someone were to capture the briefcase and cut it open without the encryption key and the encryption algorithm, they wouldn't be able to read the documents. They would look like nothing more than a bunch of random numbers. Most security systems rely on a secure method for key exchange to communicate the encryption key to the right place. However, rapid increases in computational power are putting at risk a number of the key exchange methods we have today.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
random numbers 8
key exchange 6
random number 6
quantum effects 5
true random 5
encryption key 4
number generator 4
encryption keys 3
called quantum 2
computational power 2
encryption systems 2
practical applications 2
fundamental laws 2
encryption stronger 2
combination lock 2
james bond 2
systems today 2
quantum computer 2
secure key 2
numbers generated 2
building true 2
number generators 2
connected devices 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
true random number 5
random number generator 3
secure key exchange 2
building true random 2
random number generators 2

ngrams of length 4

collocation frequency
true random number generator 2
building true random number 2
true random number generators 2

Important Words

  1. algorithm
  2. briefcase
  3. bunch
  4. capture
  5. communicate
  6. computational
  7. cut
  8. documents
  9. encryption
  10. exchange
  11. important
  12. increases
  13. key
  14. method
  15. methods
  16. number
  17. numbers
  18. open
  19. place
  20. power
  21. putting
  22. random
  23. rapid
  24. read
  25. rely
  26. risk
  27. secure
  28. security
  29. systems
  30. today